Jennie Willoughby | The Pull of Grace

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Buckle up, buttercup.

In case you haven’t been following my Instagram stories:
1) You’re missing out 😉
2) This is my 2020 vibe 😜

It’s about being bold, authentic, self-honoring, fierce, soft, and focused as fuck! It’s about not standing for bullshit - my own or others’. It’s about overriding the self-defeating stories and making money moves. It’s about stepping up, showing up, and not giving up.

If I’m being honest, I’ve never fully embodied this version of myself before. But there is no more time to waste. The world needs my medicine. And even if (especially if?) it’s shooting out of my vagina in clouds of white sparkly stars, I’m determined to offer it.

Buckle up, buttercups. I’ve got something to say. #thepullofgrace