Jennie Willoughby | The Pull of Grace

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You make me wanna be brave.

The system is broken. And in our current reality, Love and vulnerability do not lead. It is my mission, nay, my calling to teach resilience and self-compassion. To bring awareness and healing.

I will do it alone. But we can accomplish so much more as a team of benevolent monsters. ✨Drop a 💛 in the comments if you’re with me!✨

A number of factors have contributed to my growth and transformation over the past year. A number of people have both encouraged and hindered my progress. In fact, it is usually easier to remain in the status quo.
More friends.
Less struggle.
But this is not how change occurs.

“The way it always was is no longer good enough. You make me wanna be brave!” #thepullofgrace#benevolentmonster#benevolentmonsters
(🎵: Brave, by @nicholenordeman)