I can't breathe.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” ~John F. Kennedy (Born on this day 103 years ago - May 29, 1917)

I do not advocate for violence. And I will decry those who claim any possible end justifies a violent means. But only after ears have been opened can the power of peace be heard. So right now, when words and peaceful actions have failed, I step aside and let those who know stand upon the mount before the Lord and teach.

Their strong wind will rent the mountains and break the rocks to pieces. And after the wind an earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire. And after the fire, a still small voice will finally speak a truth that no man can ignore. (1 Kings 19:11-12) #thepullofgrace


✏️ Writer • 🎤 Speaker • 🙋🏻 Teacher • RESILIENT OPTIMIST • Sharing words of love and compassion.